Dear User, thank you for visiting us!

We would point out the commitment of Certego s.r.l. to protect your privacy and, as Users (also “Data subject”) of our website, we invite you to read this document carefully.

In accordance with the article 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (“Regulation” or “GDPR”) and the provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority, of 8 May 2014, about the “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies”, Certego s.r.l. (“Certego” or “the Data controller”) gives you appropriate information on the processing of personal data. In particular, Certego informs the Users about the characteristics and methods of the processing of personal data collected during internet browsing on this website. By visiting this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions; if you don’t agree to these terms please do not access the services offered by Certego through this website and don’t use them.

Data Controller and Data protection officer

The Data controller is Certego s.r.l., based in Modena (Italy), Via F. Lamborghini 81 – 41121 – Modena (tel. 0707219/950 93+ – mail: ten.ogetrec@ofni) – site:

The Data controller has designated a Data protection officer (DPO), contactable at the following email address: ten.ogetrec@opd.

Categories of personal data processed

Certego may collect and then process your Personal Data when you browse the website and/or access sections of it.

Independently or through third parties, Certego acquires certain information, such as the so-called “cookies” (as specified in the Cookie Policy below). The Company also collects personal data (as name and e-mail address) and other information that the User spontaneously provides in the contact field.

Purposes of the Data processing and legal basis

The collected personal data will be processed by Certego for the following purposes:

  1. To allow the proper functioning of the website and to improve the browsing experience of the User (as specified in the Cookie Policy below). This processing can be realised only with the consent of the User given by the appropriate banner;
  2. To allow Certego to manage and response to any requests submitted by the User on this website through the appropriate contact form. In this case, the processing is based on an explicit request of the Data subject;
  3. To allow interaction with external social networks and platforms, directly from this website and through the social buttons/widgets. In this case, the interactions and the information acquired are bound by the privacy settings selected by the User in each social network. Also in this case, the aforementioned processing is based on a request from the Data subject.

Certego process personal data by taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or destruction of personal data. The processing is carried out using computer and/ or telematic tools, with organisational measures and logic strictly related to the purposes above-mentioned.

Data retention

The personal data provided directly by the User will be stored for the period strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were provided (eg. for reply to the User’s request) and, in any case, the data will be deleted 6 months after their collection.

The navigation data will be stored for the period necessary for the performing of the service requested by the User. The Data subject can always ask for the interruption of the processing or the erasure of the data processed. This procedure can be done also in autonomy through the User’s browser, by accessing the settings and removing cookies stored in the terminal.

Nature of the provision

The provision of personal data is optional. However, if the Data subject doesn’t provide such data, Certego couldn’t take charge of the request or allow Data subject to surfing correctly on the website.

Categories of recipients of the personal data

Your personal data may be communicated to employees or collaborators appointed by the Company for the organization of the website (e.g. administrative, legal, system administrators) or to external parties (e.g. third party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies) expressly appointed Data Processors. These recipients could process the personal data limited to the activities entrusted to them and under the instructions given by the Company. These third parties are specifically trained in compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.

We reserve the right to modify, add or delete parts of this privacy policy, bringing it to the attention of the Data subject through a specific publication in our site. Each User is required to check periodically this page to ensure any changes occurred after the last visit of the website. However, the use of this website and of its services implies the acceptance of the changes occurred in the meantime.

Rights of the data subjects

Under the conditions provided by GDPR, you may exercise the following rights:

  • Art. 7: Right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • Art. 15: Right of access to the personal data processed;
  • Art.16: Right to rectification the personal data;
  • Art. 17: Right to erasure the personal data;
  • Art. 18: Right to restriction of processing;
  • Art. 20: Right to data portability;
  • Artt. 21, 22: Right to object and Automated individual decision-making, including profiling.

In order to verify the existence of the conditions and the modalities for the exercise of the aforementioned rights, please refer to the full text of the above-mentioned provisions, available on the website:

Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller through the contact details set out later.

We inform you that, if you believe that the above rights have been violated, the current legislation allows you to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority following the instructions specified on the institutional website of the Authority.


Cookie Policy

During the browsing of this website and of the platform PanOptikon, Certego s.r.l. will also process browsing data, which will be acquired through the use of cookies.

Referring to the browsing of the PanOptikon, Certego will process data acquired only through session cookies, technical cookies and Google Analytics cookies (as described below).

What are Cookies

Cookies are text strings which act as computer markers sent by a server (the Website service in this case) to the User's device (pc, tablet, smartphone), where they are stored, and then transmitted back to the same website at the next visit. They are used to perform computer authentication, monitoring session and storage of site information (without the use of "technical" cookies some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform).

During the browsing, the User can also receive cookies that are sent by "third parties", or from different websites or web servers, on which may reside some elements (such as images, sounds, maps, links to other domains) that are on the site that the User is visiting.

Purposes of using cookies

  1. to identify the User and record the relative preferences for purposes strictly related to the provision of the service requested by the User;
  2. to allow Certego to exercise its defence in trial or in the stages leading to its possible establishment, against abuse in the use of this website or the services related to it by the User, also through the communication of data to the Public Authorities, where they request it;
  3. to save your browsing preferences and optimize your browsing experience;
  4. to make interactions with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of the Application.

The User can decide to disable all cookies by changing the settings of the program used to browse (browser). By disabling cookies, however, some of the services may not work properly and the User will not be able to access numerous features designed to optimize the browsing experience. For more information on the management or disabling of browser cookies you can consult the last section of this Cookie Policy.

Characteristics of cookies used

Our website could use the following categories of cookies.

I. Session and permanent cookies

Cookies may expire at the end of a browsing session – the period between the opening of a website window by the User and its closing – or they may be stored for a longer period of time.

  • Session cookies: they are deleted and they disappear from the device when the User leaves the website or closes the browser used for browsing; they expire when the browser session ends and therefore they are not kept for long.
  • Permanent cookies: they remain on the device even after the User has left the website. These cookies are stored until the User erases them or until they reach their expiry date set by the site manager.

II. First party and Third party cookies

We define a "first-party" or "third-party" cookies starting from the website or domain from which it originates.

  • First-party cookies: these are cookies set directly by the website visited by the User or by the website whose address was typed by the User (displayed in the URL window).
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies set by a different website from the one visited by the User. We speak of a third-party cookie in reference to the hypotheses in which the User visits a website and a third party – different from the operator of the site visited –releases a cookie through the visited site. As part of third-party analytical cookies, Certego uses:
    • Mixpanel as analytical tool for the PanOptikon Platform. Mixpanel is a GDPR-compliant product analytics platform and a first-party analytics provider. Additionally, Mixpanel, through its European Data Residency program, enables us to process and store the collected data entirely within European data centers, ensuring full compliance with the GDPR. For further details, please visit mixpanel-gdpr;
    • Google Analytics service (provided by Google Inc. or "Google") respecting the following conditions: taking measures that reduce the identifying power of these cookies by masking portions of the IP. Certego has also accepted the amendment on data protection with Google Inc. whereby the latter undertakes to use such cookies exclusively for the provision of the service, to store them separately and not to "enrich" or not to "cross them" with other information available to it. For more information on how the third party Google may use your information, below is the link to the respective policy:

    Google Policy

    Google Partners Policy

    You can always install an add-on for disabling Google Analytics on your browser.

III.Technical cookies for performance and functionality

Based on the purposes pursued, the cookies used by the websites can be distinguished in three further categories, as illustrated below.

  • The strictly necessary cookies cd. "technical" are essential to browse the websites you are visiting and to use some their features. Without these cookies some online services requested by the User cannot be provided. With this type of cookie the site does not collect any personal information of the User, who can’t be identified through the use of these only cookies.
  • Performance cookies collect anonymous information and allow us to understand how Users interact with our website. For example, they tell us which are the most visited pages, the time spent on the website, any error messages. We use performance cookies that collect information only on an aggregate basis and anonymously. We use it to improve the operation of the website and the browsing experience of the Users. The last section of this policy show how to delete or manage performance cookies.
  • Cookies for functionalities: allow our site to remember the choices made by the user (such as the font size of the displayed text, preference of the language, country in which you are located, etc.). They also allow our site to provide the customized features selected by the User. In some cases, these cookies may also be used to offer online services or to avoid re-offering services or messages that the User has already refused in the past. Our site releases this type of cookie on the device used by the User in a completely anonymous way, without the possibility of identifying him/her. To know how to delete or manage cookies for functionalities you can see the last section of this policy. Please note that, if you delete this type of cookie, the preferences and/or settings selected will not be stored for future visits.

How to delete or manage the cookies

Browsers are often set to accept cookies automatically. However, Users can change the pre-set configuration, to block cookies (each time or once and for all) or to be warned whenever cookies are sent to the device in use. In addition, at the end of each browsing session the Users can delete collected cookies from their device. There are several ways to manage cookies: we refer to the specific instructions given by browser used. If the User uses different devices to view and access to the websites (pc, smartphone, tablet, etc.), it would be his care to ensure that each browser installed on each device is adjusted to reflect the preferences expressed about cookies.

Selecting the links below, you can see the specific instructions for managing cookies through some of the main navigation programs.

Microsoft Edge

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Social buttons and widgets

On our website you can also find social buttons/widgets, that are special "buttons" reproducing social network icons (e.g. Facebook Twitter, Youtube, Google Plus, etc.). These "buttons" allow Users, who are browsing the site, to reach and interact with a "click" directly with social networks. Thanks to the click on the Social buttons/widgets the social network acquires the data related to the User’s visit. For more information you can consult the privacy policies of each social networks to which you access through buttons in our website.

Twitter Privacy

Linkedin Privacy